The FSN Capital Investment
Our structured investment process and value creation process are two equally important parts of our Investment Technology
Investment Process
FSN Capital’s investment process is anchored in our local offices in Oslo, Stockholm, Copenhagen, and Munich. Our investment professionals build unique and exclusive local relationships, leveraging the broader FSN platform, to source attractive investments over many years.
We invest in four sectors: Services, Green Transition, Industrials, and Technology. Sector teams are staffed across offices, building capabilities and networks across Northern Europe.
This sector focus creates repeatable investment patterns and unlocks a flywheel of continuous improvement, learning, and deal flow within attractive sectors where we have a track record of success.
Green Transition
Sector Deep Dive: Green Transition
We believe that the Green Transition constitutes the largest investment opportunity of our lifetime. To best capitalize on the opportunity it presents, Green Transition is one of the four sectors in our sector investing strategy.
Led by Clemens Plainer in Munich and Eirik Wabø in Oslo, the Green Transition sector team has 10 full-time members across all four FSN Capital offices.
The sector strategy seeks to support companies that fight climate change, by replacing carbon-intensive processes, reducing emissions, or helping society adapt to a changing climate.
Watch Frode Strand-Nielsen’s interview at COP28 here.
Visit to learn more about the sectors we invest in.
We invest in companies that fight climate change

Green Transition companies we have invested in

Clemens Plainer and Eirik Wabø, Investment Directors at FSN Capital Partners, on our Green Transition sector approach
Value Creation Process
The FSN Execution Framework (FEF) is FSN’s repeatable model for value creation during the ownership period. To generate returns for our ultimate clients, we drive systematic transformation through FEF.
The core of FEF is the FEF Strategy Process, which is a structured approach to strategy development that supports the underwritten ROI targets by translating it into clear prioritized goals, smart processes, and detailed actions. By implementing FEF, companies build a high-quality winning strategy, define what capabilities they need to build to deliver on it, develop a detailed plan for how to do so, with clear responsibilities and a disciplined follow-up structure.
The FEF Strategy Process is repeated every year as part of the FEF Annual Wheel. This annual cycle strengthens the company’s ability to be agile, concise, focused, and structured in its approach to strategy – it builds structural capital.
Learn more about FEF in our 2023 ESG report

FEF team members on the FSN Execution Framework

“Block of Granite”
At FSN Capital we have some non-negotiables, and we call them our “block of granite.” These are our constitution, culture, values, and core processes. These elements constitute the bedrock of our investment and value creation processes, and they shape how we invest in, manage, and develop portfolio companies.
Our Constitution
Since the establishment of FSN Capital, our constitution has outlined the guardrails for how we run our firm, creating strong alignment and transparency across the partner group and the entire team.
Our Culture
Our greatest asset is our people. The FSN Capital culture is built on our ethos, and we pursue a performance culture that radiates integrity and trust. We invest significant time and resources both in recruiting the right team members and in nurturing our unique culture through our onboarding program, team offsites, and firm-wide physical meetings.
Underpinning this culture are our three core values: Growth Mindset, Integrity, and Team First.
Our Core Processes
In addition to our structured Investment Process and FEF Process, we also have the FEF internal processes developed to support our culture of continuous improvement. This includes a bi-yearly review process of the full FSN team and an annual 360 review process.
Our Values
Growth Mindset
The belief that you can always improve, the courage to set bold, visionary goals, and the desire and grit to overcome the barriers that stand in the way of winning.
The quality of knowing, and having the personal strength to do, what is morally right, even when no one is watching or there appears not to be a benefit in the short term.
Team First
Putting the team ahead of ourselves to maximize performance and win together.
See also
Should you have any questions about our ESG work, you are always welcome to contact the ESG team at