
We are decent people
making a decent return
in a decent way.

FSN Capital ESG report cover

Welcome to the digital companion to FSN Capital’s 2023 ESG report

This year, we’re pleased to share additional content and videos that provide an inside look into our firm, our values, and our investment technology. We are proud of what our team has achieved over the years and of the ethos and culture that have made it all possible.

Morten Welo, Partner, COO, and Head of Investor Relations, announces the release of FSN Capital’s 2023 ESG Report and new digital companion

Table of contents

A Message from our Founder →

Frode Strand-Nielsen discusses the value of values at FSN Capital

An Update from our co-Managing Partners →

Ulrik Smith and Robin Mürer provide an update on 2023 performance and milestones

The FSN Capital Invest­ment Technology →

Information about our investment and value creation processes and “block of granite,” including a special look inside our Green Transition sector strategy

ESG Integration →

The role of ESG in our investment technology, including our standard ESG approaches and data on how we are performing against our ESG targets

Winning Together: DE&I at FSN Capital →

An update on our Winning Together initiative to drive returns through DE&I

Portfolio Company ESG Priorities & KPIs →

Detailed, company-specific ESG performance data

2023 ESG Award Winner →

And the winner is…


Download FSN Capital’s 2023 ESG report →

Here you can find additional information about our overall approach to ESG and standard processes and how both FSN Capital and FSN portfolio companies leverage ESG for value creation

Should you have any questions about our ESG work, you are always welcome to contact the ESG team at